PCT: Injury Time Out

In Mt. Shasta hitching back to trail today (mile post 1476)
In Mt. Shasta hitching back to trail today (mile post 1476)

I came down with shin splints in my left leg this past Thursday hiking out of Burney. I had little choice but to carry on in significant pain for another 53 miles to a place I could hitch a ride to Mt. Shasta to rest. I have been here for a few days and I think my leg is improving a little, but its difficult to say. I can little afford any more time off as I need to finish the trail by the beginning of October. I will hit the trail again this afternoon and hope my leg continues to heal as I go.

Since leaving Sierra City a couple weeks ago, I’ve been hiking alone and making good progress. I am confident and motivated to get back on track and speed up through Oregon and Washington. I was hoping to be to Ashland, Oregon by more birthday on the 17th, but now that will be delayed a few days. I will provide more updates on my progress when I get there.

3 Replies to “PCT: Injury Time Out”

  1. Andy, hope you are well and able to heal those shin splints- ouch!
    I am glad you have had lots if support on your hike and I hope you can finish your goals and make the October deadline. If you need anything as you get closer to my neck of the trail ( loosely speaking as I think Cascade Lockes area is the closest, is that right?) – let me know. I have no idea when that would be for you…
    I’d even hike with you for a day in Gifford Pinchot if you wanted the company and I could arrange it!
    Take care of yourself !

    1. Thanks Lisa! I’m planning on making it to Cascade Locks by Sunday, September 8th. It would be great to see you there or perhaps Timberline Lodge a couple days prior, but coordinating a hike may be difficult. I won’t be taking any days off for the rest of the trip. I have such great support from friends and family, that I really don’t know how I would have done this otherwise. It’s been huge! 🙂

  2. I love the picture of you placing your dirty feet on top of your shoes to keep them clean?? I used to do that too 🙂

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