This is video of my keynote presentation at the BioComm conference in June 2018 to an audience of photographers and communication designers. I told a personal story about how my experiences and use of empathetic design thinking have impacted my…
Go to to visit the new website for my Iraq photo documentary work focused on family, culture, help and hope after ISIS. It will be updated periodically over the next couple months with links to more stories, photographs and…
Aside from the contents of my gear bag, the only other object that will be as important to me over the next month will be my shoes. I thought I’d take a few minutes to tell you why. I’ve spent…
My writeup and photo series is here: Inauguration Protests & Women’s March > and more photographs are posted to my Flickr album >
I’m driving from Austin, Texas to Washington D.C. this week to cover and participate in the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st, the day after the Presidential inauguration. As a white male, I enjoy a privilege that I did…
I spent some time over the last couple days taking pictures of some of the old ticket stubs I’ve held onto over the years. Some may be more meaningful than others, but it’s neat to look back through all of…
It was a cold, meandering winter and I was coming to the end of my second month on the road, rounding the Great Lakes to my dad’s house in upstate New York. It was January 25th, but the spring was…
Duluth, Minnesota. Aside from a warm bed and a decent breakfast, I didn’t give it much thought. But a quick reminder about an old family connection to this area, gave me something more meaningful to do. My grandfather, Captain…